Snippet- Art Review: Kamala Harris & The American Political Imagination

"On a related note, this flattening on cultural and ethnic differences in order to fold only a selected few into the American Imagination or identity, is quite aggravating. Particularly since, I am also second generation Caribbean, and I was never a part of what would be deemed as American culture or society. And it is still strange to be abroad, and referred to as simply, "an American". There's this assumption that I grew up participating in American life my community and other diasporic communities were and are, quite literally, red-lined out of "American". "Go back to where you came from" and "Where are you really from?" are constant provided examples, but they are the gospel in this discussion. This folding into the US American identity is only possible if one is able to rebuke their ethnic identity and serve US American whiteness at the expense of what culturally makes them a whole person."

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