Music: Christmas Mix
Firstly, this isn't Christmas themed music, although if I had more music, I would totally do a Boricua Christmas radio show. But I don't have all that so ... esori. (5 points if you get what I did there). I saved my pennies and upgraded finally to
Current Events & Our Collective Response to Violence
I am reeling, from all these Luigi videos. The way the media machine is working around him is a lesson in ‘cutting your nose off to spite your face’. It does go without saying that the large media companies are very out of touch with many people in the nation
Another Essay on Another Pipeline to the Far Right: Influencers & The BirthRate
#AMXRadio: Nov Mix!
The Substance Film Review: Brown Masc & White Femme disconnect
#Fediblock, a Tiny History
I have been trying to write about this history for over a month. It has been difficult to say the least. It's by no means exhaustive. Fediblock is a constant point of contention on the fediverse. And the tag has taken a life of its own. I want